Teaching inclusivity to the communities of tomorrow, today.

“No one is born hating another person for the colour of his skin or his background or his religion”

-Nelson Mandela

Empowering Educators and Children to Drive Social Change

“Raabta, राब्ता, رابطہ, رَابِطَة; from the root ر ب ط‎ (r-b-t, “ bond, connection, relation”)”

Raabta, inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, focused on empowering schools, educators and children globally, to drive social change within their broader communities, by instilling cultural competence, and inclusivity into the education system.

Raabta implements multicultural/diverse learning environments at partner schools and provides students with a broader cultural and social education. Our philosophy embraces and promotes a culture of inclusivity, enabling children of today to become culturally competent leaders tomorrow. We hope to foster empathy in the current generation of future leaders to ensure a more inclusive, peaceful, and prosperous civilization.



Educator Workshops

Raabta is deeply committed to guiding educators to identify and actively address inherent biases. We empower educators to lead with informed conviction and teach their students with a clear, unprejudiced lens. To facilitate this evolution, we offer curated workshops, in-depth training manuals, and thought-provoking webinars, all designed with the intricacies of modern pedagogy in mind. Our aim is to provide educators seeking in-depth exploration of multiculturalism, inclusivity, and modern teaching methodologies with a rich array of resources and tools to make impactful, lasting change in their classrooms and beyond.

Education Technology

We aim to redefine the landscape of learning by integrating AI powered education technology into classrooms. Our offerings, designed with both educators and students in mind, prioritize interactivity, cultural competence, and personalized feedback. By fusing technology with pedagogical excellence, we aim to create a dynamic learning environment that not only enhances traditional lesson planning but also empowers students to connect, explore, and thrive in a globally interconnected world.


School Infrastructure Development

We take a hands-on approach within marginalized communities by funding school and classroom construction initiatives, placing inclusivity at the very heart of architectural and infrastructural planning. Be it crafting inclusive sanitation spaces that meet the unique needs of all students, setting up computer labs to fortify students' grasp on modern day essential skills, or breathing life back into learning environments marred by natural calamities. We develop spaces where a students’ potential is recognized, nurtured, and celebrated.

“Tolerance is respect, acceptance and appreciation of the rich diversity of our world's cultures, our forms of expression and ways of being human. It is fostered by knowledge, openness, communication, and freedom of thought, conscience and belief. Tolerance is harmony in difference. It is not only a moral duty, it is also a political and legal requirement. Tolerance, the virtue that makes peace possible, contributes to the replacement of the culture of war by a culture of peace” UNESCO